restoring health through nourishment
A science-based guide to help the modern woman thrive

is healing even possible?
In today’s fast-paced modern society, feeling healthy can be a struggle.
We are undernourished, bombarded with stress and environmental toxins daily.
Disconnected from our bodies, we have lost touch with our biological rhythms.
Chronic disease is on the rise, an epidemic beyond anything in recorded history.
(Not to mention the common but abnormal symptoms that millions suffer from daily.)
Clearly something is broken.

is healing even possible?
In today’s fast-paced modern society, feeling healthy can be a struggle.
We are undernourished, bombarded with stress and environmental toxins daily.
Disconnected from our bodies, we have lost touch with our biological rhythms.
Chronic disease is on the rise, an epidemic beyond anything in recorded history.
(Not to mention the common but abnormal symptoms that millions suffer from daily.)
Clearly something is broken.

To make matters worse,
the standard toolkit at our disposal usually offers a band-aid solution by prescribing pharmaceuticals which silence unpleasant symptoms, but fail to address the root cause of the problem.
If you feel like you’ve tried everything to heal, but nothing seems to work, know that you’re not alone. I’ve been there.
the good news:
There’s another way to approach health. It may seem unorthodox or “alternative,” but it is rooted in deep respect for the body’s natural holistic design.
It is possible to look through the lens of modern science while shifting the typical postmodern understanding of the human body. Rather than viewing the person as merely the sum of various parts, when we examine the whole being as an interconnected mind, body, and soul, everything begins to fall into place.
It’s time to discover a new path toward healing.
To make matters worse,
the standard toolkit at our disposal usually offers a band-aid solution by prescribing pharmaceuticals which silence unpleasant symptoms, but fail to address the root cause of the problem.
If you feel like you’ve tried everything to heal, but nothing seems to work, know that you’re not alone. I’ve been there.

the good news:
There’s another way to approach health. It may seem unorthodox or “alternative,” but it is rooted in deep respect for the body’s natural holistic design.
It is possible to look through the lens of modern science while shifting the typical postmodern understanding of the human body. Rather than viewing the person as merely the sum of various parts, when we examine the whole being as an interconnected mind, body, and soul, everything begins to fall into place.
It’s time to discover a new path toward healing.

hey friend, i’m kailyn!
I never thought I’d say this, but chronic cystic acne was one of the best things that happened to me.
When the dermatologist told me dismissively, “Your skin is not connected to food,” and instead wrote me a prescription, my gut told me something was missing. I’m so glad I listened.
After years of searching for answers and countless failed remedies, my journey led me to discover the root causes of my skin issues. This realization set me on a path of healing and transformation from the inside out.
a biblical approach to food + nutrition
the intersection of nutrition [science of food] with theology [science of God]

As believers, we cannot separate Christ’s Lordship over our spirits from His Lordship over our bodies.

I believe everything we have comes from God, including the nourishment and sustenance that our bodies need to thrive.
The God of LIFE is also the God of HEALING.
As believers, we cannot separate Christ’s Lordship over our spirits from His Lordship over our bodies. Although our bodies will never be perfected until they are transformed in the new creation, and some things are out of our control, we still bear responsibility for how we care for our vessels.
Neglecting our physical health means we are discordant, and our potential for abundant life is diminished.
Looking at the world through a Biblical lens, we see that our bodies are not just a result of random natural processes, but a part of God’s intricate creation and wonderfully ordered design.
Everything physical affects the spiritual. Therefore, we must care for our bodies as part of our spiritual journey, and live out our purpose with integrity and wholeness.
exploring topics of:
evidence-based nutrition
Slow + Sustainable Living
Theology + faith
Courageous womanhood
Finding joy in chaos
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free resources for you:

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of natural skincare products out there? Are you wanting to switch to a nontoxic lifestyle but you don’t know where to start? Serums, oils, and creams, oh my! I’ve got you. Sign up below and I’ll send you my favorite products I use in my own personal skincare routine!
my favorite things (ever)
A curated list of products I love (including discount codes)! From my favorite supplements, to clean beauty products, to sourdough breadmaking tools, all in one easy place for you to enjoy!